Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lovely Baby Music

To all my dear friends,

It has been some time since the last post. Hope this finds you well.

Happened to chance on this lovely music series the other day while I was at my dear friend's house with her cute little bundle of joy - Felicia.

Instead of books, what I am going to write about today is the great Lovely Baby music series by Raimond Lap, a very experienced composer in United States.

After being a composer since his youthful days, Raimond got married and has a baby girl shortly after. Being in the music line, Raimond wanted something that could develop his little princess in this area. However, quite a number of those conventional so called 'baby music' out there in the market at that time was unsuitable for babies. If the tempo isn't right, one may risk under, or more serious, over-stimulating the baby and that may lead to hyperactivity later on in life.

So, the composer in him decided to come up with the best music for his baby daughter himself. He achieved it, developed some marvellous music, and his neighbour and friends got wind of it and that was how the music series got so popular.

Hence, this is the history behind the Lovely Baby music series.

I got a chance to listen to the music the other day at my friend's house and really, the music was wonderful! Well-paced and soothing, it calms the baby down and at the same time engaging the baby. I could see little Felicia paying attention to the music and at times being amused!

It was like as if the music was talking to her and she was listening!

My friend said that she was able to have some peace after she had the CD and she intends to get more of them (there are quite a number in the series, from Lovely Baby CD Vol. 1-4, to Famous Composers series, to Lovely Baby Brain Power series. A HUGE variety!)

You can visit to find out more.

For those who are interested, and are located in Singapore or Malaysia, it's free postage according to my friend. For other countries, it seems like shipping is available too.

You might want to try one for your baby today. Who knows he might become Mozart or Bach one day!


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