Thursday, January 18, 2007

EQ 3 - Self Awareness and Self Control

Yesterday, I discussed on the five dimensions of EQ as highlighted by Goleman.

Before we can embark on the discussion of the techniques, perhaps let me first elaborate on what the five dimensions mean in greater details.

1) Awareness of one's own emotions

This refers to the self awareness of one's own feelings, identify them and recognize what could have caused these feelings. In addition, one is also able to recognize and differentiate between feelings and actions.

As such, those who score high in this area will be those who are able to recognize the differences between the various emotions, and in fact, recognize the intensity of the emotion experienced.

2) Controlling One's Own Emotions

After being able to identify the emotion experienced, the next stage would be to be able to control these emotions. Self control is necessary, especially where relationships are concerned, as one's cannot always be controlled by one's emotion, for there are too often situations which requires us to be composed and controlled in our own emotions - as one grows older, one is less able (or rather, allowed) to behave like a child. Thus, we have to learn to tolerate, carry out anger management, control impulses to behave rashly, avoiding aggressive behaviour, managing stress, and on the positive side, have positive thoughts about oneself, family and one's surroundings. All these done, due to our desire to fit into the society and be accepted by others.

One who scores high in this area would be one who is aware of the causes of emotions, and is a mature user of the various self-control techniques. They would be the ones who will definitely not let their emotions get the better of them, and let whatever feelings bottled up inside them betray them on the outside.

As you might have realised, the more you learn about EQ, the more important it is for one to be a master in it if one is to succeed. No doubt, IQ is important, but as the saying goes, "To be hired, IQ is important, but to be promoted, EQ is."

For the next three dimensions, I shall continue the discussion in the next blog entry. Meanwhile, chew on today's entry!


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